We individually package and double-check each order making the process effortless. All postage savings are passed directly to our customers. This is NOT a profit center for Candid Color Systems® – it’s a profit center for you!

Take the hassle out of print and product deliveries.
We help you Earn More money with our low-cost shipping. Our customers count shipping as a big part of their profits (for online and pre-pay sales). Review our shipping methods here and choose which works for your business.
Ship-To-Home (orders mailed direct to your customers)
At Candid Color Systems®, we want you to make more profit using Ship-To-Home. We charge for packaging materials, handling and pass along the cost of postage (AND help you achieve a postage discount wherever possible). We use a combination of USPS and FedEx® services to get the best rates and can brand outbound shipments with your business information.
Example: Ship-toHome for 3-8×10 units.
You charge $4 for ship-to-home.
CCS/USPS charges you $2.29*.
*Includes all postage, handling & packaging costs.
You make $1.71 per order on shipping!
If you ship 5,000 orders per year, that is an additional $8,550 in profit for YOU!
*Includes postage ($1.83), handling ($.29) & packaging costs ($.17)
Ship-To-Photographer (“return in box”)
We ship to our photographer customers for FREE. And remember, we do not charge minimums. New to CCS? No problem! We immediately give you shipping service equal to your expected account volume!
Our Ship-To-Photographer frequency & method is based on account volume:
- FREE Daily FedEx® shipments for accounts $100K+ using a guaranteed 2-Day (or faster) service
- FREE FedEx® shipments 3X/wk for accounts over $20K using a guaranteed 2-Day (or faster) service
- FREE FedEx® shipments 2X/wk for accounts under $20K using FedEx® ground (which is guaranteed 1 or 2 days to much of the country!)
Drop shipments (to a league, school or other client) & shipments from your office
CCS will only charge photographers the actual FedEx® rate for drop shipments (and we pass along our discount) plus any applicable individual packaging & handling.
Packaging & Handling Fees
$0.29 handling for individual orders returned to photographer or drop shipments + packaging*
$0.29 handling for individual ship-to-home orders + packaging*
*Packaging costs depend on envelope and other preferences. Typical packaging cost for 3-8×10 units via ship-to-home is $0.17. Upgraded portrait & specialty packaging available.
Rates and shipping frequency subject to change based on USPS and FedEx services.
Get started today!
Learn what Candid Color Systems® can do for your photography business