1099K Forms

You may be issued a 1099K form from CCS-related entity PPMS. A 1099K form is similar to a W-2, but instead of listing wages, it lists your gross sales via transactions processed by our ecommerce website(s). Receiving a 1099K will depend upon then-current federal and state guidelines and thresholds. To facilitate the 1099K process we may ask you to complete a W-9 form.

1099K FAQs

Why would I receive a 1099K?

CCS-related entity, Professional Photomarketing Services (PPMS), is now subject to rules that govern marketplace facilitators and TPSOs (third party settlement organizations). The American Rescue Act put forth a requirement that TPSOs (CCS like other online services including Venmo, PayPal and similar websites/apps that collect money on behalf of customers) should send 1099K forms to customers once they pass a certain threshold of use. The thresholds have been delayed, changed and vary by state in some cases. But current IRS rules dictate that PPMS (and many other similar platforms) must send 1099K forms to customers meeting specific thresholds to show the income that was collected online via our ecommerce platforms on your behalf in a given year. (This would not be the case for manual orders placed where the CORE™ software does not collect the funds.)

If I get a 1099K form, do I owe taxes on that amount?

Receiving a 1099-K form doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll owe taxes on those sales. The 1099-K form we issue doesn’t calculate your profit or indicate any tax liabilities you may have—it simply gives the total gross sales processed by our ecommerce platform(s) in a year.

What sales are included in the 1099K form?

The 1099-K form is used to report your gross sales to the IRS as part of filing your taxes. “Gross sales” will include:
• All of your ecommerce website sales
• Shipping collected on the ecommerce site
Gross sales will be reduced by any adjustments in online sales such as discount codes used and/or gift certificates redeemed. Any orders you place using manual order entry are NOT included in the 1099K as those funds do not pass through payment processing in the CORE™ or NowCandid™ platforms.

What if I have multiple accounts- will I receive multiple 1099K forms?

Most likely No. If you use the same FEIN number for your different accounts or business names, then your sales will be consolidated into one federal 1099K form.

Why would we ask you to complete a W-9?

We will use the W-9 to accurately complete 1099K forms. The process is managed by a 3rd party through an online wizard. We will alert customers prior to sending these requests via a 3rd party.

Resources for more information

If you would like to know more about this requirement you can visit this IRS page on 1099K.

We want to make taxes as easy as possible, but we cannot give specific tax advice. We will leave that to the professionals. Please reach out to a tax professional with questions.

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